

The Lonely Alchemist - Born and raised in Alaska, the Lonely Alchemist lived and worked in California as a writer and indie perfumer before moving to Australia to explore the down-under.  She is an avid reader, singer, choreographer, and actress, and has an unhealthy addiction to British TV shows from the 80s and 90s.

While the Lonely Alchemist has always been attracted to the bizarre, the morbid, and the macabre (her favorite short story author is Poe), her love for Steampunk began recently when she discovered Abney Park and Beats Antique.  Her exposure to this brilliant world inspired her to create this blog, where she combines her love for the Gothic, Steampunk, music, films, literature, perfume, food, etc…  When she is not blogging, you can find the Alchemist running her fingers over shelves of books at the library, eating sushi, bellydancing to Beats Antique, or experimenting with new and fabulous scents for her perfumery.

Her first book will be available soon through Amazon Kindle.

Guest Contributors:

The Wizard Dreamer - The Wizard Dreamer calls herself the Wizard Dreamer because, as she says, the only thing she is a wizard at is dreaming.   This dreamer is an ex-ballerina who hails from the far, frozen North.  A seamstress, expert baker, and goatherd, she spends her time making organic clothing and accessories and finding unending outlets for her creativity.  The Dreamer has weaknesses for craft stores, Thai food, ballet, operas, art galleries, and the pristine beauty of Alaska.  If she's not sewing or milking her goats, you can probably find her arguing (all in friendship, of course!) with the Alchemist. 

The Voodoo Lady - The Voodoo Lady is a Graduate of Chapman University with a BFA in Creative Writing.  She has a deep passion for food, fashion, Asian Culture, Disneyland, and dark humor.  Her dream is to one day be a published author, but for now she lives in an old haunted house and obsessively edits her resume, updates her tumblr, and wishes she actually knew how to practice voodoo.

You can find her musings at Tipping Windmills and Starry Bear.

The blog is currently looking for new contributors!  If you'd like to join the team, please send us a message at robin.yokel@gmail.com and tell us why you'd be a great addition.  (Impeccable grammar is a must-have, as is previous writing experience.)